Monday, March 3, 2014

The Wonderful World of Color

When it snows, the world gets a little bit drained of color. Right now there is ice on the roads, snow on the sidewalks and in the fields, and rain falling from the sky. Lots of gray.

But! We have a lot of fun anyway. I just have to find ways to put color into my little missionary world.I made a scripture case:

I color my letters to friends and family. Here are the letters I sent out last week:

They represent respectively: Swan Lake, Rapunzel, Simon and Garfunkel's "The Boxer", and Victor Hugo's Les Miserables. (inaccurately because of the electric light. Pretend those lights are hand-lit streetlamps and candles from the early 19th century).
You can't really see this giant pile of tumbleweeds, but the wind was being extremely persnickety the day before it last snowed. They totally blocked the sidewalk. Now they have snow all over them.  Not really colorful. Just fantastic. This wins the largest tumbleweed competition for now- but we've had some great contenders in the past. Some bigger than me. None large enough to block the entire sidewalk. Tumbleweeds aren't really colorful, I guess. Just amusing.

If you write me a letter you will get a colorful picture on the back of the envelope that holds my response.

Have a wonderful day!


Sister Caroline Faulkner

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