Monday, November 3, 2014

He Comes to You

I learned something this week about the Sacrament.

When you are in Sacrament meeting, you don't go up and get the bread and water from where it is being blessed, it is brought to you, and you have to take it individually. We pass the Sacrament one by one. In a similar way, we do not make it back to Heaven, or perfect ourselves and then ask for forgiveness for what we've done wrong. We aren't capable of making that trip by ourselves. When we make the effort to come to the building (ie ask for help, do our best, repent), Christ comes to us at whatever point we are at on the road and carries us the rest of the way.

He will not take our will away. He can help me only as long as I want to go His way. He won't carry me back to my Father in Heaven if I am determined to go the other way. But if I am trying, He will do whatever it takes to make the way possible for me.

Christ can heal hearts, lighten loads, carry sorrows, and forgive our sins because He experienced what we've experienced. When He suffered for us, He took my pains, weaknesses, and sins upon Himself. Because of that, He is able to rescue me wherever I am and no matter what I've done, because He has descended below all things.

He that ascended up on high, as also he descended below all things, in that he comprehended all things, that he might be in all and through all things, the light of truth;

I am grateful to know that me Savior knows me so well, and that He doesn't wait for me to be good enough. He loves me where I am at and helps me to be better.

This week was Halloween, and we had to go in at 6 PM for safety reasons. We had fun though. We carved pumpkins, ate candy and treats, and planned our lessons.

Here are some pictures.

Angel Moroni Pumpkin:

My companion’s ghost:

Teaching "Speedy" the Turtle:

This crazy large fake spider in our apartment complex parking lot:

Displaying my love for spiders:

I hope that all of you had a great Halloween. Thanks for your love, your support, and your prayers.

Happy November.

Be strong.

Sister Caroline Faulkner

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