This week was quite eventful! First of all, Steve got baptized! His
confirmation was yesterday and we are really happy for him. We had a really
great turnout from the ward. The Ward really loves Steve. I loved the spirit
that was there. We showed this video while Steve was changing into dry clothes.
Planning for a baptism in 6 days was difficult, but not
impossible. It seemed as though every pianist in the ward was out of town, but
we did find a member who was kind enough to help us out. That's good because
nobody wanted me to end up playing. That would not have been a good experience
for anyone.
We have been making a collage of pictures of the Savior on
the wall in our apartment. This is me with that collage.
It's official. My camera has snapped it's last picture. It
just wouldn't turn on this week. No idea what happened to it. I've had it since
Christmas of 2010, and it's been with me through thick and thin. That's okay.
I'll just continue to take pictures with my companion's cameras.
Shout out to a very special person with a birthday this
week- my little brother Jordan is turning 19. I also have a birthday. I am 22
today. Mission birthdays can be pretty cool. Sister Andrus decorated our
apartment with sticky notes this morning.
Transfer calls came Saturday night a little while after
Steve's baptism. I am being doubled in to Yakima! That will be a fun
experience. I will miss Walla Walla a lot, but I know that Sister Andrus will
take care of it for me. I also know the missionary coming here really
well and I trust her as well. I have grown here. It sounds kind of silly, but I
think of Walla Walla as a huge turning point in my life. I stopped thinking of
myself as a kid. I think of myself as an adult now. I am more confident. I
trust the Lord and His Spirit. I know that He will guide me and I have seen Him
do it. I have a long way to go in becoming humble and submissive but I feel
closer to Him now than I did before. The ward here is amazing. I love the
people we are teaching, and one day I will come back and see how they have
progressed, but for now the Spirit of the Lord has called me another way (Alma chapter 22 verse 4), and I will go. I'll borrow from Nephi's closing testimony
in the Book of Mormon "For thus hath the Lord commanded me and I must
obey. Amen" (2 Nephi 32:15)
Have a fantastic week of greatness.
Sister Caroline Faulkner
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