This week we read
President Eyring's conference talk in our companionship study. I think that we may use this in
the future to teach about the law of the fast. It was a really powerful. It's
amazing to hear about the sacrifices that people make to serve God and their
brothers and sisters all over the world. I want to have that kind of Christlike
love and dedication. I realized that the fast has been implemented as a way of
taking care of the poor since Old Testament times. That seems to have always
been a part of Christ's church. It makes sense. When we fast we give up two
meals that someone else can eat.
We had a really
beautiful family get baptized this weekend. I love them so much. Their member
friends in Oregon sent a referral. We got a text "Go visit these people.
Here is their address" We went and found that they were ready and excited
to accept the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. We come to love people so much
as we watch the truth change their lives. I am excited to come back in a year
and be there with them when they are sealed in the temple for time and all
I love my
companion, Sister Gresham. She is so determined to serve, though she deals with
a lot of physical challenges. Sometimes she is in pain. I try not to let her
get too broken. She is really determined to serve, though.
I love the Gospel
of Jesus Christ. As I watch people come closer to Christ I am filled with joy.
When I watch them give up it breaks my heart. We see a lot of both. The
scriptures show us that this path has never been without opposition. The
scriptures also testify of the peace and the limitless joy that fills us when
we are about Christ's work. This work has also brought me low many times. I
have felt a minute portion of Christ's love for these people, and with that
comes a tiny, tiny portion of His sorrow for them when they choose not to come
to Him. We feel so little of His infinite love, and so little of His infinite
pain, but it is enough to overwhelm a person with joy or anguish from time to
time. I've learned that there is more joy than sorrow, though. We don't
experience anything anywhere near what He did, but what we do feel changes us.
I love this work!!!
Alma 26 is Ammon'swords about his mission. I feel just what He feels.
This link has some
verses highlighted that meant a lot to me this week.
Thanks for your
love and support. Share the gospel.
Sister Caroline Faulkner
Sister Caroline Faulkner